Monday, 8 June 2009
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Virgin Sucides Fashion
It's set in the 1970's midwestern surburbia which has that odd dusky feeling throughout so the style is very much flowery 1970's innocence which is fun to play around with in the summer!
Luella s/s 09 channels a bit of this theme:
Also check out the soundtrack it's good!!!!!
Monday, 25 May 2009
Its me...Bea

Ok so in the picture above is my hair much more styled than usual in bigger curls than my hair natuarlly is and if you have curly hair (or staright really for that matter) to do this what I do is:
Wash my hair as usual and then instead of spraying with a curling spary and scrunching I put a moisturising creme on it and twirl big curls in sections and blow dry, then I pin each 1cm thick section up and with curling tongs just go over te curls lightly.
So if i can be bothered at some point I'll do a video because poeple hardly ever do them for curly haired people!
Peace Bea x
I'm back - but now it's we....
So We're doing this thing again but to make it more interesting I'm going to do some random magazine fashion shape things on this blog because i currently don't have a camera with me here and Bea is going to do her own style tips, clothes, things etc good stuff will be happening hopefully!
So the next post will be Bea just saying nice things about herself!

I love this issue of Nylon by the way with kat dennings and olivia thrilby the young hollywood addition! Nice stuff!
Monday, 4 May 2009
Sooo haven't blogged in ages......
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
In my Bag.... :)
My bag is a vintage Louis Vuitton, and in it is: ipod, soft ballet shoes, box with hair pins in (dancer, always prepared) mont blanc pen, great lash mascara, touche eclat and chanel rouge noir nail polish.
I've been using this bag alot recently for just going around because it's an across the body one so it's always on me and it's less heavy and junk filled than my Balenciaga bag!
Monday, 2 March 2009
Paris, the city of love...
(the eiffel tower itself :) )
(going down the eiffel tower)
(view from the top of eiffel tower)
(inside the Louvre, yes that is my finger in the way, but I loved this part it was so light and airy much nicer than the mona lisa)
So it was pretty fun, a nice rest from dancing plus Paris is a great place for scoping other people's outfits, even though all i seem to live in these days are leotards and leggings :( because everyone in Paris is so chic, I like to think I drew inspiration for my outfit on Sunday from Lanvin to fit in with the Parisian chic, but I don't really know whether I pulled it off.

Sunday, 1 March 2009
Ahhh i have a massive to do list/ to buy

My new ballet bag :)
Svetlana Zakharova

Saturday, 28 February 2009
Stole this....

Have you kissed anyone today? on the cheek...
What's on your mind right now? whether my toe is broken and whether i should venture out for coffee...
Are you excited? not really
How's your day? ok-ish
Have you cried recently? last week.
What are you doing now? sitting in my room.
Listening to anything? Paris traffic haha
Are you talking to anyone? nope
How's life? nice :)
Who do you like? many people
Does anyone like you? maybe
Do you curse often? yeah...
Is taking a shower a daily habit? yep especially after dancing...
Do you use lyrics to express how you feel? not really more dancing.
Are you ashamed of your past? no
Do you have a laptop? yep
Do you miss anyone? many...
Are you going on vacation in the summer? yes
Did you dance at all today? yes 7 this morning :).
Do you use coasters? sometimes.
When was the last time you saw your bestfriend? 3 weeks ago...
Do looks matter? mmm.
Do you have good memories with old friends? yeah.
Have you ever been to Hollywood? yes!
Are you wearing a necklace? yes.
Are you happy right now? i guess.
Do you regret anything that you have done? of course.
What is something you say when you're mad without even thinking? ummm....?
Have you ever cried from being so mad? yep yep.
Do you write on your hands? yep i have a smiley face on my left hand atm...
Do you need to get your hair cut? not really.
Are you logged on to AIM? no.
100 Truths
1. Last beverage→ water -boring.
2. Last phone call→ molly.
3. Last text message→ "coffee?"
4. Last song you listened to→ Mrs Robinson :).
5. Last time you cried→ a wekk ago.
6. Dated someone twice → nope.
7. Been cheated on? → no.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → yep.
9. Lost someone special?→ mmm.
10. Been depressed?→ umm not sure probably.
11. Been drunk and threw up? → no i haven't actually :)
12. periwinkle.
13. rose tea.
14. mint green.
15. mauve.
16 .Made new friends → yeah.
17. Fallen out of love → mhmm.
18. Laughed until you cried → definetly on many occasions.
19. Met someone who changed you → not really.
20. Found out who your true friends were → yess.
21. Found out someone was talking about you → uhh yeah...
22. Kissed anyone on your friend's list -> yes.
23. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life → most.
24. How many kids do you want to have → 3.
25. Do you have any pets → two dogs and a cat.
26. Do you want to change your name→ no not really, maybe it's a bit long...
27. What did you do for your last birthday→ snuck into a bar and went to a gig.
28. What time did you wake up today → 6 :(.
29. What were you doing at midnight last night→ out at a restaraunt.
30. Name something you CANNOT wait for --> my birthday/seeing my family!!
31. Last time you saw your father→ 3 weeks ago :( he's in USA with the rest of my family.
32. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life → nothing really maybe that my family could be here with me.
33. What are you listening to right now → nothing, traffic in Paris.
34. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → yes.
35. What's getting on your nerves right now? → a sore toe...
81. Sex on first date → i'm not skanky.
82. Broken someone's heart → yes.
83. Had your own heart broken → sort of.
85. Been arrested → nearly haha.
86. Turned someone down → of course.
87. Cried when someone died → yes.
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → no.
89. Yourself → yes.
90. Miracles → yep.
91. Love at first sight → maybe.
92. Heaven → yes.
93. Santa Clause → no haha
96. Angels → yes.
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → ahh yes and there are many... miss you :(.
98. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → no.
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → yep.